Resources that CMDA has curated and created that will guide and equip you as you engage in mentoring

The Resources are TAGGED using these CATEGORY keywords below to help you better know which resource(s) will best serve your needs.

Bible Study: A topical or book of the Bible study that can be done in conjunction with the Mentor and Menteer to develop Spiritual Formation & Growth

Training: Resource targeted to help the Mentor become more effective and better equipped.

Blueprint: A resource to offer guidance and structures for Mentor and Mentee encounters

Mentoring with a coach approach

A mentor who has an openness, and a willingness to learn biblical principles together with a mentee will establish a 'launchpad' for greater knowledge and discovery of scriptural truths.


20 Questions for mentoring

These twenty questions provide a self-assessment and are mainly designed to address specific critical areas in a person's spiritual life and to help you discover how one is doing in these areas.


A Mentoring Guide: Christ. Conversation. Companionship.

This mentoring guide is designed to help you trust Jesus and yourself more, as well as help you navigate a mentoring role with greater confidence and discernment.


The Practical art of spiritual conversation

The Practical Art of Spiritual Conversation is about the art of when, if, and how to engage in a spiritual conversation.


The Book of James Study

A 15-part study written by Dr. David Goodman


Mentoring Action Guide

You have a unique opportunity to make an impact in the lives of the next generation of Christian healthcare professionals.


Teach Us To Pray

A 9-part study written by Dr. David Goodman



Dr. David Goodman created a mentorship guide for walking in Jesus's way in the twenty-first century.


Living in the Lab

A 8-part study on the book of Daniel